Launch your child
into summer!

Make your child's summer an adventure. How about launching rockets, making slime or working with the coolest gadgets? Give your child a super cool and educational holiday, and sign them up for our camps!

register now

Why kids
love our camps

A different theme and new gadgets every year.

Excited supervisors with humor, energy and knowledge.

Relaxed atmosphere with curious children.

A combination of indoor and outdoor acitvities.

Exciting mix of science, games and fun.

Learning has never been this much fun!

Featured Programs


  • 4 days from 09.00 - 16.00
  • 2 mad scientists per group
  • for kids aged between 7-11
  • lunch, drinks and snacks will be provided
  • including labcoat, key chain and multiple take-home's
  • several locations in the Netherlands

Click the link below for more information about our locations, dates, prices and programs.

information request

What are we doing?

A carefree week with a lot of activities, fun and experiments. Every summer we have a new programme. In the morning we explain the theme of that day and we learn the first related terms. The rest of the day you will be learning by doing! In between there is enough time to relax, play games and of course to eat and drink.

Summercamp TV.
An impression of our activites.

Steengoed programma


Zomerkamp commercial


Prof. Big Bang Bart

TV appearance

Positive responses!

Super child-friendly and approachable professors, fantastic location, good food, fun outdoor activities and cool gadgets to use at home! In short, Pien really enjoyed it and next year she wants to go again!

Mother of Pien Noord-Brabant

Every day, our daughter was really excited about what she had learned. She is a curious girl and she absorbed all the information like a sponge. She thought it was a super fun camp and wishes she could go back every vacation!

Family of Kock Gelderland

I already sent you an e-mail in which I explained how much fun Joaquin had. We just moved and Joa really misses his friends. The Mad Science camp was a real turning point for him. He made new friends and kept playing with all the experiments until late in the evening. He is so much happier now. We are soooo pleased with you guys! :)

Angela Noord-Holland